Monday, January 25, 2010

Outside of my comfort zone is where all the good stuff happens.

It has been a difficult time writing this blog. I have used every excuse to avoid it, no time, to tired, have other things to do, I should be working on what I am writing about rather than writing about it.

I am a coach…I motivate people to step outside of their comfort zones and make the big exciting changes they’ve only been able to dream about and here I am doing exactly what I coach my clients through, avoiding movement, avoiding change.

In coaching, we strive to work with our clients to take them through the resistance to the flow state. Flow is that moment where resistance disappears and energy flows freely. I am certainly not in that place when it comes to my fitness level and weight. I am in a state of enormous resistance but am beginning the journey to a
more centered self.

The idea of a judgment free zone is a huge concept to grasp. You start a journey and in your path lay many twists and turns, at times you hit road blocks, you have to slow down or even come to a complete standstill yet you don’t judge, you look clearly at what you’ve come up against, learn something from it and make a plan to get back on track. I am getting in the space of a judgment free game.

So…let’s address my out of my comfort zone moment. I weigh 189 pounds. I am not physically fit. I really truly want to be healthier. And…I struggle with all of these statements.

Wow, evening typing that on my own private computer makes me feel a lack of security. Why would a woman announce to the world how much she weights. It’s simple…take myself out of my comfort zone so I can play a bigger game.

The game is on. I have set a HUGE goal…or several that is. My final goal, the one that inspires me to play a bigger game is Matterhorn, that incredible mountain in Switzerland. I saw a show on the travel channel about this beautiful and enormous mountain and I couldn’t get it out of my head, so the Matterhorn it is, in three years. I have set smaller goals for markers along my path; I will talk about that next time.

I have a plan; I have some support and am working on more. This is the beginning of my story…come back weekly to learn more about my plan, my struggle and my game! I am off for the second walk of my day, this is a big goal….so I will approach it …one…step ….at…a…time. BE BRAVE! :)

Monday, October 5, 2009

A fabulous friend needs your help her brother has cancer & has no insurance & needs funds. Help if you can!

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Women - JOIN the forum -
Discuss building friendships in 30 and up!

Monday, August 31, 2009

Vote for fabulous filmmaker Jenny Deller - Grant $ is needed! : )

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Join the discussion on women finding friends after 30.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Fall Workshop - Sept. 20th Ocean City, NJ Area Women's Wisdom Circle Moving Forward -Getting Unstuck

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Fall Workshop - Sept. 20th Ocean City, NJ Area
Women's Wisdom Circle - Moving Forward - Getting Unstuck